AI Demystified

Welcome to our course on Artificial Intelligence applications! You’ll discover how AI can help you do more in less time, increase your efficiency, and boost your creativity. Plus, you’ll explore how AI is transforming personal productivity, communication, finance, and education.

Get ready to expand your horizons and unlock the full potential of AI!


9 weeks, 1 hours per week


Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays




Online in MS Teams

Lesson Plan

Workshop 1: Introduction to AI and Everyday Applications

  • What is AI and its everyday applications? (e.g. chatbots, voice assistants, personalized recommendations).
  • AI formats: text-to-speech, text-to-image, video-to-text, etc.
  • Enhancing interview and presentation skills by answering typical questions on a given topic while interacting with ChatGPT.
  • Google extensions to maximase the possibilities of ChatGPT. Integrations with emails, online documents, and social medias.
  • Prompt engineering. How to fine tune ChatGPT answers.

Workshop 2: AI in Personal Productivity - Part 1

  • Virtual assistants: manage tasks, schedule appointments, and provide reminders as well as analyze a person’s calendar and suggest the best times for meetings, appointments, and other events based on availability and preferences.
  • Email management: AI can be used to prioritize and categorize emails, identify important messages, and provide suggested replies.
  • Task management: AI-powered task management apps, such as Todoist or Any.do, can automatically prioritize tasks based on deadlines, level of importance, and other factors.

Workshop 3: AI in Personal Productivity - Part 2

  • Time tracking: AI-powered time tracking apps can help users understand how they are spending their time and identify areas for improvement.
  • Personalized health and fitness plans: AI algorithms analyze health data for personalized workout and diet plans.
  • Enhancing learning experience: AI can generate customized exercises and articles based on your level and progress to help improve your skills.
  • Chatbots can also assist you in preparing for exams by answering your questions and providing personalized feedback.

Workshop 4: AI in Communication - Text

  • Content creation: AI can be used to generate written content, such as news articles or social media posts and emails based on certain parameters or topics.
  • Sentiment analysis: AI can analyze the tone and sentiment of written communication, such as social media posts or customer feedback, to help businesses understand how their customers feel about their products or services.
  • Auto-Translation: AI can be used to translate written or spoken communication from one language to another.
  • Spam filtering: AI can identify and filter out spam messages, reducing the amount of unwanted communication that users receive.

Workshop 5: AI in Communication - Speech

  • Speech synthesis: AI can be used to create realistic human-like voices for text-to-speech applications, such as audiobooks or virtual assistants, which can enhance the accessibility and user experience of such services.
  • Speech recognition: AI can be used to transcribe speech into text, which can be helpful for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, or for those who need to take notes during meetings.
  • Speech analytics: AI can analyze patterns and trends in speech data to provide insights into customer behavior and preferences.
  • Voice cloning: AI can generate a digital voice that sounds like a specific person.

Workshop 6: AI in Finance

  • Personalized financial advice: AI recommends investments and savings based on customer financial data.
  • Trading and investments: AI analyzes financial data to predict stock prices and investment opportunities.
  • Risk management: AI identifies portfolio risks and minimizes potential losses.
  • Algorithmic trading: AI automates trading decisions in real-time, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

Workshop 7: AI and Creative Applications

  • Use AI to generate art and music by creating your own AI-generated pieces by Google’s Magenta.
  • Brainstorming, idea generation and content creation: AI-powered content creation tools like Articoolo or Wordsmith can help teams collaborate on writing projects, generating written content automatically based on user input and data.
  • Designs: Canva and Adobe Creative Cloud use AI-powered features to suggest design ideas, optimize images, and automate repetitive tasks.

Workshop 8: Image Generation and Prompt Engineering.

  • Basics of AI image generation: A brief overview of AI-based image generation, focusing on algorithms like DALL-E, VQ-VAE, and GANs.
  • Prompt engineering mastery: Key strategies for crafting effective prompts that achieve desired results in image generation, emphasizing specificity and creativity.
  • Refining AI-generated images: Techniques for improving image quality, style, and alignment with specific goals.
  • Understanding negative prompting: The concept of specifying exclusions in image generation and its importance.
  • Customization in AI images: Strategies for tailoring AI-generated images to specific brands, themes, or campaigns.

Workshop 9: The Future of AI and Advanced Concepts.

  • Developing AI Technologies: Explore the latest advancements in AI technologies, focusing on Autogpt and AI agents. How AI agents can be programmed for specific tasks in industries like customer service, healthcare, and finance.
  • Personal AI: Concept and Potential: exploring case studies demonstrating how Personal AI can assist in tasks ranging from personal scheduling to complex decision-making, highlighting its adaptability to individual user needs.
  • AI Tips & lifehacks Practical session offering a range of tips and lifehacks for optimizing your interaction with AI. Topics include: Google Tables, content stylisation, reverse prompting, multimodal models, workflow concepts automation.

How You Can Apply the Course

Improving Your Life with Practical Applications of AI Tools

Access Information Faster

AI tools can provide quick and efficient access to structured information, such as customized articles on demand, news updates or trends.

Use AI Assistants

AI tools can offer personalized assistance in various areas of life, including scheduling appointments, managing emails, making phone calls, and even providing guidance on fitness and nutrition programs.

Enjoy Personalization

AI tools can analyze vast amounts of data to provide personalized recommendations for products or services based on personal preferences, search history, and past interactions.

Improve Learning

AI tools can provide tailored learning experiences, such as customized learning paths and feedback based on individual learning styles and needs.

Increase Efficiency

AI tools can help you work more efficiently by providing suggestions for improvements in workflow and optimizing processes.

Manage Finances Better

AI-powered financial assistants can help with tax preparation, invoice management, and even provide insights on ways to save money.

Some of AI Tools We Will Explore

Services by OpenAI: ChatGPT and DALL·E 2

AI Services by Google: Assistant, Lens, Shopping

Text-to-Speech Convertion: Murf AI

Text-to-Image Convertion: Deep AI

Writing and content creation: QuillBot